Friday, June 13, 2008

Great Googally Moogally! Tornadoes are everywhere.

Sorry guys, no new episode this week... I know, bummer major. Tornadoes are everywhere, so wish us luck here in the Midwest. We'll think of you fondly til next week.

This is my favorite recent pop culture headline: Shyamalan's 'Happening' Lacks a Sense of Direction. Damn The Village!!


Nikki said...

I think we should demand more posts on our blog, and until then.... bitches- no pcs for you.


i kid, i kid. well.... maybe not.

Kathleen Didio said...

Please don't take the podcast away! Sorry to hear about your weather. I am in the East and it was crazy hot, but I'll take that over tornados any day.

Have you seen Swingtown yet? Grant Show looks like a crazy porn star. It is oddly compelling.

averageashley said...

Hey girls. Love the podcast! Stay safe this week.

radar said...

Your podcast Rox my Sox.

You girls are hi ho hilarious.

Keep on rockin.

Laura said...

thanks guys! we love you too. if you haven't heard of cheese rolling, i suggest checking out the youtube videos of this classy irish sport.

Laura said...

or wait it might just be british... either way it's awesome.

radar said...

Or it could be Wisconsin. GO CHEESEHEADS! XD

radar said...

XP nvm... it's British.