Thursday, June 28, 2007

Episode 63!

Hello! We recorded Tuesday night, so pardon the slightly delayed posting. :)

Episode 63

Shownotes are on the website!


Piccu said...

That's what your show needs...more KENTUCKY!!! I have been thinking of starting my own bluegrass band called The Old Kentucky Bastards.

You can't beat a good cry all night movie. I know I love them.

I love Die Hard, I have seen the three movies a thousand times, but PG-13?!? I am not sure they needed to do this to sell the movie. I want all the blood and explosions to be adult only. I hate teenagers. DIE!!!

The Closer is the best show on cable now that The Sopranos are gone.

Laura is so great and I just saw Dana Andrews in Ball of Fire last night. In this movie he was a crime boss and a right smart of a dick. I love Rita Hayworth because she is a hot mama.

You can only buy two iPhones per person. And I am not ready to buy one and I am already an AT&T customer. I can't fathom laying down $500 to $600 for a phone and then $60 dollars for the cheapest service. No spank you!

I'm done rambling I have to go buy fireworks.

Laura said...

even though i know you are referring to the movie laura in your comment, i plan on taking the phrase "laura is so great" as a compliment to me.

Laura said...

oh and die hard was totally hampered by the rating, but it was still awesome.

Kim said...

Agreed. Die Hard was amazing, as expected, but the PG-13 rating was incredibly unfortunate. I want my dirty-mouthed John McClaine back!

Piccu said...

I saw Live Free yesterday and I was amazed at how good it was. It seemed like old times. I do agree that not having the dirty mouth McClane was kind of lame but other than that he was as great in this one as he was in the others.

I also thought that for PG-13 there was a lot of R rated things so it didn't seem as toned down as I thought it would be going in. But I still would have loved huge amounts of blood spatter.

The thing I missed the most in this movie was a smoking McClane. Bruce Willis makes the best smoking faces, just rewatch Die Hard 2.

And I think both Lauras are great. And Kim and Angie aren't so bad either.