Thursday, June 07, 2007

Episode 60!

Dang 60? That's crazy talk.

Episode 60

Shownotes on the website!


Piccu said...

Welcome back.

I was beginning to worry that maybe Kim's surgery was the homemade kind performed by Angie and Laura. Meaning Kim expired and Angie and Laura are now in jail. It's good to see that isn't the case.

Of course I haven't listened to the show yet, so I could still be right, technically.

Piccu said...

Wow, we have a lot to get to. So I'm going to ramble

First of all, thanks for servicing us.

Pop Candy rules!!! But I must say that I loved that incongruent-affect blog. It was the coolest.

I will only watch matinees. Less money, less idiots.

Speaking of Michael Bay, did you all see him On The Lot Tuesday night? Could they have picked a director that is probably less respected by those in the competition than Michael Bay? Well, except for the guy that makes the CGI movies, I'm sure he loves Bay.

Did Angie say she wasn't a whore fan? Everyone is a fan of whores, especially the ones with hearts of gold. Oh, a horror fan! My bad.

I feel like I also would cry watching Raise Your Voice, though not for the same reasons Angie would.

Diane Keaton is not related to Michael Keaton. In fact, Keaton isn't even her last name. It's her mother's maiden name.

I had a timer for Monday and Tuesday set for On the Lot and the Monday show disappeared. I guess Fox didn't realize that it is probably a good idea to have a host that can read. Maybe she should be doing Are You Smarter than a Fifth Grader? I do like watching the movies and if you DVR it, you can almost watch an episode in 30 minutes. I like what I have seen so far from the contestants, but a 1 million dollar prize? What will that buy at DreamWorks? Toilet Paper for the executive bathroom? Where's Big Brother?!?

QUEENS OF THE STONE AGE!!!!!!!!!! RAAAAWWWWWWWKKKKK!!!!!! I think I might pick that one up.

I feel for you Laura, I was hoping your myspace find would end the Enrique talk too.

I'm in the school of rock.

Google will be very helpful to me. Although being in Kentucky the only traffic jams we have to worry about are jams due to farm animals or weird looking kids playing their banjos in the middle of the road.

I have a feeling that if the dude is going to a strip club in the middle of the day, he doesn't care who sees him.

I'm raising my hand. I'm a fan of Lindsay, though only when she has had a sandwich and is nude or nearly so. Mama Lohan is already done such a great job with Lindsay, so what's the worst that could happen?

Peter O'Toole, that's a good one Angie. LOL Will his brother Miles be joining the cast as well?

The Conchords sound like a softer version of Tenacious D. If they are half as good as the D I will be checking them out.

Will CBS be donating deez nuts?
Sorry, I had to do it. I'm lame.

Unknown said...

the blogg of the week is not only a blogg it is also a podcast named usa today pop candy

Piccu said...

I know, but I don't really care too much for the podcast to tell you the truth. I tried it for a few weeks, but it's no Pop Culture Shock.

Or Bombay Gunrunners for that matter.

Laura said...

i got kinda confused when i saw that laura posted... i questioned whether i did it and didn't remember. yay for more lauras!

i didn't even know there was a pop candy podcast, now i'm enlightened.

Piccu said...

I thought that was you as well. Do we have an imposter in our midst? Maybe she is your doppelganger.