Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Happy May!

I'm here to let you all know that PCS is taking a mini-break this week. Kim still has the plague and we have an extra busy social schedule that cannot budge to fit a recording time. Reality Check will still be recorded with partial absence of me (Laura), so check that out if you miss us just a little too much.

More importantly, I would like to point out that it is the First of May! Everyone should listen to Jonathan Coulton's song about this lovely day. I highly suggest it, First of May. Hilarious every time.


Geoff said...

you girls are totally missing the greatest news story of the day.
The trialer for the live action Bratz film has finally dropped...
Check it out

Your Millennial Manager said...

That is the best thing in life. Thanks for the link!

Laura said...

hahahahaha good find geoff.

damn i was hoping the bratz movie would involve cgi'd whore doll representations of babies with gold chains (yes, that does exist)... i guess i'll have to wait for the musical or the live-on-ice show.

Geoff said...

Exclusive Hidden Bratz Wallpaper

Geoff said...

sorry, just to be clear I HATE the Bratz. I found that wallpaper thought it was funny and sent you that link, but considering I had it up on my computer at work for like 10 minutes (as a joke) and now people think I like the Bratz I thought I should clarify. They are horrible.

Please enjoy some really excellent wallpaper from Stardust, or of course my favourite, Digital Blasphemy...

Piccu said...

I hate to get off the topic of prepubescent sluts in training, but I was wondering what the girls, and especially Kim and Laura, are feeling after this rumor of Brett Favre wanting to be traded has come out?

I know he has denied he wants to be traded, but he sure sounds pissed off after the Packers' wouldn't bring in that malcontent Randy Moss.

Is the end near?

Kim said...

Even the greatest quarterback who ever lived can get crazy in a fit of rage. He did tell his agent to request a trade, but it was all because of his man-crush for Randy Moss. I know I threatened to quit watching American Idol when America made a poor choice in kicking off Will Makar. But even then, I had to retract and admit that I would never actually cease the obsession. Similarly, after Brett cooled down, he had to say he would never leave the Pack. And I'm sorry, the Pack would not let him leave (fyi: in the great state of Wisconsin "the Pack" refers to the team, the ticket holders, the die-hard fans, their children, and anyone who has ever donned a cheesehead). In answer to your question, it's not over until he breaks both of his hands and can't see out of his left eye.