I hope everyone has had their fair share of eggnog and various holiday meats. I know I did :). We are excited to get back to podcasting, but some big changes have been decided on and we want to keep ya'll updated.
Good news: Kim, Nikki and I (Laura) have graduated! And we are about ready to burst with pop culture goodness, or something like that.
Bad news: Angie, the founder of PCS, is a busy lady and has decided to part with her baby. I wouldn't doubt you hearing her in some other podcast form in the future, she can't stay away and maybe we'll get her to visit sometimes or send us some audio gold. Or maybe just some rants about Tyler Perry.
I hope you are ready for us because we're excited to spill our pop culture guts very soon. Get ready for some wild and crazy podcasting, it's gonna be a lil different without Angie and we're still not sure how it will fan out, but stick with us and enjoy the ride! And of course, Tell Angie how much you'll miss her! (she likes e-cards featuring Vincent Price)
Friday, December 28, 2007
Saturday, December 08, 2007
Long Time No Talk
hey all you party people! sorry for being absent from your lives for so long. we miss you, but alas it is the end of our collegiate experience and we have been busy ladies. we will be making a few changes to the format of the show and some host changes are in the works as well. so stick around and don't be shy. let us know if you hear about any hilarious squirrel news or want to vent about something stupid a celebrity has done.
Monday, November 12, 2007
Monday, October 22, 2007
Thursday, October 18, 2007
Episode 74!
Shenanigans! Enjoy episode 74, it's a keeper. Please also take a trip back to episode 73 for a skip free listening experience. We updated the file, so that you can access the podcast sans skips. Use the player on the previous blog post or download the file directly from http://pcspodcast.libsyn.com/ by clicking on the Pod symbol to the left of the episode title.
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
Episode 73!
Mid-terms won't keep us down! This week we address oral fixations. Important topics always abound. Enjoy many a tangent this week. :)
Monday, October 01, 2007
Episode 72!
We like to keep things fresh, so surprise! here's new episode. Eventually we will record on Sundays, but we are busy ladies. So here's the episode we recorded a couple days back. Kim proclaims this episode Pop Culture Shock on Crack.
Sunday, September 16, 2007
Episode 71!
Sunday, September 09, 2007
Saturday, September 01, 2007
Facebookers Unite!
Hey all, there is now an official PCS Facebook group, so join! Claim your cyber love for us with a simple click of a button.
Friday, August 31, 2007
Saturday, August 25, 2007
Bummer Dude
I'm having trouble with libsyn and can't for the life of me get the podcast uploaded. I may have to break down and go over to a location with a better internet connection. Yikes, it will be up soon hopefully :). I think I have to go listen to some of Nikki's music, it's that kinda day.
Friday, August 17, 2007
Episode 67!
Friday, August 10, 2007
Episode 66!
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
No Episode This Week!
Go outside with your children/loved one/friends and have a lovely sun filled time! I (Laura) am typing this from New York which is why we will not have a new episode this week. If you miss us too much to bear, you can listen to Reality Check starring Angie and Kim early next week.
Friday, July 20, 2007
Episode 65!
Thursday, July 12, 2007
Episode 64!
Thursday, July 05, 2007
Celebrating America's Birth
Due to the combination of Fourth of July celebrations, one very special person's birthday and my trips to Summerfest in Milwaukee, Pop Culture Shock will not be recording this week. We will have many tales to tell next week for a post-holiday-week episode. Enjoy the rest of the week and don't injure yourself with fireworks, that would suck.
Thursday, June 28, 2007
Episode 63!
Thursday, June 21, 2007
Episode 62!
Thursday, June 14, 2007
Episode 61!
Thursday, June 07, 2007
Thursday, May 31, 2007
Delay of Programming
We will not have a new episode this week [sadface]. Please take the time you would spend listening to us to enjoy the beginning of summer and possibly all the hot young dads at the local zoo. I realize that not everyone can appreciate a hot young dad, but maybe they'll be some cute moms or otters or something. The trifecta of PCS will be back in action next week. Miss us, but we'll miss you more. Pop Culture Shock out! [said in the style of Kim]
Thursday, May 24, 2007
Episode 59! TV Upfronts!
New Shows
Heroes: Origins (1:58)
Journeyman (3:22)
Chuck (5:28)
Bionic Woman (7:37)
Life (8:55)
The Singing Bee (11:05)
Lipstick Jungle (12:21)
Benched Shows (14:14)
The IT Crowd (14:35)
World Moves (16:08)
Schedule Shake-Ups
The Apprentice (18:12)
The Office moved to 8pm (19:03)
Friday Night Lights to Friday (19:37)
New Shows
Sam I Am (20:27)
Cavemen (22:12)
Carpoolers (24:11)
Cashmere Mafia (25:34)
Pushing Daisies (27:58)
Private Practice (30:03)
Dirty Sexy Money (32:02)
Big Shots (33:43)
Women's Murder Club (35:25)
Benched Shows
Oprah's Big Give (37:33)
Miss Guided (39:17)
Eli Stone (41:30)
Football Wives (43:10)
Schedule Shake-Ups
Lost renewed for Spring (44:57)
October Road, Notes from the Underbelly
Men in Trees to Fridays (45:51)
Rumors on Betty's move to Sunday (46:23)
New Shows
The Big Bang Theory (46:53)
Cane (47:59)
Kid Nation (49:47)
Moonlight (51:36)
Viva Laughlin (53:11)
Benched Shows
New Adventures of Old Christine (54:34)
The Amazing Race (55:13)
Swingtown (55:20)
Power of Ten (57:13)
New Shows
Aliens in America (58:33)
Reaper (1:01:25)
Gossip Girl (1:02:57)
CW Now! (1:04:30)
Online Nation (1:05:04)
Life is Wild (1:06:19)
Benched Shows
One Tree Hill (flash forward) (1:07:47)
Farmer Wants a Wife (1:08:47)
Crowned: The Mother of All Pageants (1:09:32)
Cancelled Shows (1:10:29)
Veronica Mars
Gilmore Girls
7th Heaven
New Shows
K-Ville (1:11:29)
New Amsterdam (1:13:19)
Back to You (1:15:40)
Kitchen Nightmares (1:17:10)
The Search for the Next Great Am. Band (1:18)
Nashville (1:19:02)
Benched Shows
Anchorwoman (1:20:29)
The Rules of Starting Over (1:21:14)
The Sarah Connor Chronicles (1:22:31)
The Return of Jezebel James (1:23:50)
Cantebury's Law (1:25:11)
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
Check it out!
Everyone should head on over to On Hold Podcast and check out Geoff's Spiderman webisode. Geoff is one of the hosts of On Hold (which is a great podcast) and he has entered a Spiderman webisode contest.
Check out the latest post on their blog to find out how to see it and vote. Geoff's webisode is called "Spider-Man in the Volleyball Tournament of Doom", no one can resist that. Go watch and vote!
Check out their podcast as well, it's awesome.
Check out the latest post on their blog to find out how to see it and vote. Geoff's webisode is called "Spider-Man in the Volleyball Tournament of Doom", no one can resist that. Go watch and vote!
Check out their podcast as well, it's awesome.
Thursday, May 17, 2007
Episode 58!
Tuesday, May 01, 2007
Happy May!
I'm here to let you all know that PCS is taking a mini-break this week. Kim still has the plague and we have an extra busy social schedule that cannot budge to fit a recording time. Reality Check will still be recorded with partial absence of me (Laura), so check that out if you miss us just a little too much.
More importantly, I would like to point out that it is the First of May! Everyone should listen to Jonathan Coulton's song about this lovely day. I highly suggest it, First of May. Hilarious every time.
More importantly, I would like to point out that it is the First of May! Everyone should listen to Jonathan Coulton's song about this lovely day. I highly suggest it, First of May. Hilarious every time.
Thursday, April 26, 2007
I'm not sure what went wrong, but when I uploaded Episode 57 only half of the episode survived. Sorry to those 4 whose podcatchers downloaded the incomplete episode before I caught it, the full episode will hopefully be posted early this evening when I'm done with class.
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
Episode 56!
Thursday, April 12, 2007
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
Episode 54!
Wednesday, April 04, 2007
"I Snorted My Dad"

Tuesday, March 27, 2007
Big Shoes

I definitely think that Tom Welling has the 'Teen Wolf' look, but I haven't heard great things about his acting on Smallville. However, I did a little digging, and it turns

TV Guide Online


The Results Are In

- Most Creative: 'Here It Goes Again' (OKGo)
- Best Comedy: 'Smosh Short 2: Stranded' (Smosh)
- Best Commentary: 'Hotness Prevails' (thewinekone)
- Best Series: 'Ask A Ninja' (digitalfilmmaker)
- Best Music Video: 'Say It's Possible' (TerraNaomi)
- Most Inspirational: 'Free Hugs Campaign' (PeaceOnEarth123)
- Most Adorable: 'Kiwi' (Madyeti47)
The Next Big Thing?


Top Box Office
1. TMNT (24.3 million)
2. 300 (19.9 million)
3. Shooter (14.5 million)
4. Wild Hogs (13.9 million)
5. The Last Mimzy (10 million)
Friday Releases
-Meet the Robinsons: A boy genius named Lewis (Fry) has his latest invention, a "memory scanner," stolen by the nefarious Bowler Hat Guy. Just when he's given up hope he'll ever retrieve his creation, he meets Wilbur Robinson (Fox), a curious young fellow from the future, who invites him to travel forward in time to meet his eccentric extended family (who really need Lewis's help), hunt down the thief, and perhaps learn a secret or two about his own past.
-The Lookout: A once-promising high school athlete (Gordon-Levitt) finds his life altered following a tragic accident. As he tries to maintain a normal life, he takes a job as a janitor at a bank, where he's targeted by a crew of locals who are looking to pull off a heist.
DVD Releases
-The Good Shepherd
-Charlotte's Web
Whoa, really sucks we don't get to discuss Blades of Glory right away. And I was really looking forward to Kim being disgusted with animated spiders again. Bummer.
Monday, March 26, 2007

'That girl from Harry Potter' Update


Last Week's News: Sinbad Survives!

Last Week's News: Out of Captivity

Last Week's News: Green Hornet

You Tube Video of the Week: Fuckabees
This post is actually from Brightcove because I couldn't find exactly what I wanted on YouTube, but there are definitely longer cuts on YouTube.
Saturday, March 24, 2007
Episode 53!
Thursday, March 22, 2007
ABC Show Renewals
Monday, March 19, 2007
Flash Forward
[I posted this originally on one of my other blogs: Confessions of a TV Addict, but I thought it was relevant to PCS too.]
Although a lot of TV shows recently have tried episodes consisting mainly of a flashback like Heroes, Grey's Anatomy, and most notably How I Met Your Mother, there is a new emerging trend of flashing forward. Let me explain.
Two CW shows have been reportedly toying with the idea of fast forwarding a significant amount at the beginning of next season, if they get renewed. The programs in question: One Tree Hill, and Veronica Mars.
It came out late last fall that a possible direction for One Tree Hill's fifth season could be a five year flash forward to all of the characters having just graduated from college, or on their respective career paths. This is definetly and interesting proposition for this show because it has been made clear that most of the characters will be going their seperate ways after high school with exceptions like Haley and Nathan. A move like this, obviously could be hit or miss. When you think about it, the audience for the show are pre-teens, who, while not opposed to twenty somethings managing life after college, are more prone to watching shows about their slightly older counter-parts. If OTH was to jump forward they may face a major rebranding of the show, and I don't know that the CW has the resources to do so. But potentially they could pick up a larger audience, because as previously stated, they will retain the majority of their pre-teen audience, but they could add high school students, college students, and even twenty somethings to their roster. It would be a bold move, but I don't see any other option for the show. I certainly don't want to tune in to a bunch of new cast members, and no interaction between our regular characters.
The second show which is debating this time lapse is Veronica Mars. It was recently reported by Reuters that VM creator Rob Thomas approached the CW with the idea to have Veronica training at the FBI Academy after she has graduated college. It seems that the idea was proposed so that the CW would have more options to renew the show. Smart move on Thomas' part. I would do anything to keep Veronica Mars on air, including waving goodbye to Gilmore Girls. The one problem with this flash forward is the supporting cast. What makes VM such a standout show, especially in the first two seasons, was the supporting cast. We already know that we're losing Piz (Chris Lowell) to Grey's 2.0, and there are rumors abound of some of the supporting cast getting the axe should this new format be picked up. Michael Ausiello from TV Guide has insisted in his column that this is just a horrible rumor. At this point, I think I would like to see a flash forward for Veronica as long as we don't lose Keith(her dad), Mac, and obviously Logan. I would be sad to see Weavel and Wallace gone, but they have done nothing this season, and I think that their characters functioned better in a high school atmosphere. The bottom line is that the college setting is not working with the VM format.
How do you all feel about these possible flash forwards? Or should these shows just end?
Although a lot of TV shows recently have tried episodes consisting mainly of a flashback like Heroes, Grey's Anatomy, and most notably How I Met Your Mother, there is a new emerging trend of flashing forward. Let me explain.
Two CW shows have been reportedly toying with the idea of fast forwarding a significant amount at the beginning of next season, if they get renewed. The programs in question: One Tree Hill, and Veronica Mars.
How do you all feel about these possible flash forwards? Or should these shows just end?
YouTube Video Awards
'That Girl From Harry Potter'

Thursday, March 15, 2007
Episode 52!
Monday, March 12, 2007
More Grey's 2.0 Casting News
Friday, March 09, 2007
Double Whammy

Thursday, March 08, 2007
Episode 51!
Wednesday, March 07, 2007
So Long Regis
Grey's 2.0

Tuesday, March 06, 2007
TV in Brief
In exciting TV news for Kim and Laura, Brian Greenberg's new drama October Road will be premiering on ABC on March 19th. The show also features Laura Prepon and Geoff Stults.
He Gets Around

Monday, March 05, 2007
Quality Movies
Art Imitating Life

Saturday, March 03, 2007
Dancing With the Stars
This may be premature, but I'm just so excited I had to share it with you all. There have been reports from different British news sources, and TMZ.com that Heather Mills has cancelled all of her studio time, during which she was supposed to practice for her upcoming appearance in Dancing With the Stars, and has also cancelled a bunch of media photoshoots for DWTS. I'm crossing my fingers extra hard, but we just might lose another celebrity for season 4. This does bring to question whether or not these stars will be replaced, especially if the original 11 are reduced to 9. What are your thoughts?
Friday, March 02, 2007
Blog of the Week!

Well, it's not actually a blog, but it's awesome so i'm sure you won't mind. Check out Coasting By. It's a podcast of hilarious random stuff by two entertaining ladies.
Youtube Videos of the Week
This is just too cute. A couple reenacts the Dirty Dancing finale for their first dance.
And here's the Hugh Grant handcuff video...
And here's the Hugh Grant handcuff video...
Website Under Construction
If you have found yourself here after trying to peruse the new pcs website I would like to apologize for not having it completely up yet. Pcspodcast.com is currently still in the construction stages. Which basically means only half of the site is up. So be patient with me and be ever so amazed when it is finally done. :)
Thursday, March 01, 2007
Yay Blog!
What's up party people? After a year we figured we might as well get a little use out of this blogger. (note that only one of us knew it existed, angie) We will be posting anything and everything pop culture as well as our newest episodes. Check ya later.
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