Thursday, February 28, 2008

Episode 83!

Big Brother sex house, American Idol sucks much and the Oscars! Pop Culture is our lives...

Episode 83

Music included on this episode of PCS:
Kiersten Holine
Dan Wilson

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Best Contestants Yet? Please.

What's up party people? If you listen to Pop Culture Shock, you know that we have decided against a separate podcast devoted to American Idol this year. Why? Because it sucks the big one. However, we know that some of you are still curious about our opinions, so we will be dedicating a segment on PCS to both AI and Big Brother 9. We will be recording a new episode soon, but I wanted to clock our opinions before the elimination show this evening, so here they are.

Based on the first performances of the Top 24, our picks to get kicked off this evening are:
1. Luke Menard
2. Garrett Haley
3. Joanne Borgella
4. Amy Davis (yowza, if there was an AI Razzie, she wins)

Our picks for the Top 12/the people who disgust us the least:
1. Chikezie
2. Robbie Carrico
3. David Archuleta
4. Danny Noriega
5. Jason Castro
6. Michael Johns
7. Alaina Whitaker
8. Brook White
9. Alexandrea Lushington
10. Kady Malloy
11. Asia'h Epperson
12. Ramiele Malubay

You'll notice we don't always agree with the judges, especially dinosaur/turtle face Paula. But we love a discussion, so post! ---Kim

Saturday, February 16, 2008

Episode 82!

What's up party people? We are jealous of those living in above zero temperatures, but have fun as always chatting pop culture.

Episode 82

Music included on this episode of PCS:
The Puppini Sisters
Cat Power
Yael Naim
Jonathan Coulton!

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Happy Valentine's Day!

Dear Listeners,

We love you all and hope you have wonderful Valentine's Days! If you were here we'd all give you a big smooch. We have a new podcast ready and recorded, but we're over our memory quota and won't be able to post the new episode until the 16th :( bummer major.

Laura, Kim and Nikki

Friday, February 08, 2008

Episode 81!

Nikki's having vibrator issues, Kim is thrilled about the Super Bowl outcome and I am on crack or just delirious. We have fun and so should you, enjoy!

Episode 80

Music included on this episode of PCS:
Sackcloth In Ashes by Small Leaks Sink Ships
Mother Mother by Tracy Bonham
Whether You Fall by Tracy Bonham